The Newage "Love"

Love trascends all boundaries... And people are really transcending in love... What can I say... Its everywhere. Gone are the days when families decide the life partner for their children. Today, the families accept the choices of their children. Sometimes its fruitful for everyone, sometimes its otherwise. Sometimes family decisions over-power love, sometimes love threatens families. Yes, I have been listening to the stories of all kind... Real one's though.

The recent visit of Sweety here clearly gives this indication. There was time when the girls have nothing to say when it came to their marriages. They even don't get to see their partner's pic as well till the first night of their marriage ("Suhaag Raat"). Today, so much is different. Forget about the picture, both of them already know each other so very well.. in and out. Some time back, guys used to travel to meet their sweethearts; today, girls are not holding back in any sense. In fact, they are travelling most of the times. Twice, I have witnessed that. For one, I got to know the actual reason of visit later, and the other one, I knew even before the tickets got booked. But both of those had one thing in common. Gals have surely come to modern world along with Guys and its a very good news.

And it seems Gals are even more desperate for marriages than ever. Most of the batch mates were 2-3 years younger to me and I know about two marriages that happened in recent months. One with famlily concensus and other with a lot of drama. Two more are lined up, one already engaged and one in progress. It seems, I have got too old for marriage. Such a different experience it has been, even though I have not been part of anyone, but surely the times have change a lot since my last re-concilliation (Hehehehe...). The other day we were sitting at Chennai City Center Mall and a couple of budding teen age couples were sitting in front of us. None of them would be more than 13 I guess and they were all on date. The gals knew how to look beautiful and glamourous on the special occassions and the guys knew how to handle the occassion very well. It seemed as if were being taught all that at school. I remembered my school days, and I don't have any memory whatsoever comparable that I know of. The young generation surely knows more...

With the fast changing world, even the meaning of love is kind of changed. Gone are the days when the words like "dear", "sweetheart", "darling", "honey", "jaanu", "sweety", etc, etc, etc... had a special meaning to them. I am not saying that the meaning has changed today, but the essence of the feeling attached to these have diluted. I myself use some of these words at times and I really think at times, does the other person is that much speical for me. And the answer is NO. Not that special at this moment to call that person "sweetheart" or "darling". And with my recent experience, I have kind of become skeptical when I get a message. Sometimes, I feel its a decoy, and at other times, I ask myself - Am I really that special to someone? I never get an answer to that no matter how hard I think. The generation with me knows a lot than me, and the one which is following is already in the shoes of their seniors.

Sweety and Babuji's time together had been a great one. And I was glad I was part of their memorable time (Not much though. I preferred not to be Kebab in haddi). With those two along, I at least got the chance to roam around a bit. Otherwise, my burrow is becoming a devil's workshop, where nobody pings me apart from my pathetic room mate every Monday morning. Not even on the cell.

Love is not only transcending in the matter of love birds, but it has encompassed friendship as well. So many times and I will say as long as I could, "I love you" to Raju bhaiya. It does not mean that article 377 is applicable, but because he is so special in all sense. And not just him, but the others too.. Be it Knight, or Appi or Monjulika or Dada or Wavyash. They all are so special all the time. And whenever I feel low or not feeling good, they are always there to talk and make me feel good. Never has been any instance when I was disappointed. Even my sister is doing that thing pretty nicely these days. (I don't know remember if I said this earlier to you anytime, but this is one for you "I love you di.. Thank you so much... :-* ") And I seriously feel the importance of family and very close friends at these crucial times.


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