
Showing posts from July, 2011


No one can see the pain that we hide, They're happy for us to keep it inside, Our fear is our own; they don't want to know, Why should we involve them; why should it show. You live your whole life in confusion and fear, The need to feel something unbearably near, Half of you living, Half of you gone, And inside you know what your doing is wrong. The thing's that can help, the thing's that may heal, Are the flame or the blade and the sting of the steel, The destruction of skin means the death of your soul, But there's nowhere to run when your living alone.

Custom order for SQL Query results using Order By

One thing that I surely believe is "Necessities drive Innovation". But, one has to think different at crucial times to be innovative. Well, that's not a subject of discussion for this. But it does originate from that idea. Just before our monthly release and when everything is all prepared, we found a bug in the code. GOD, how many times we test, where do they make their way. Anyways, we needed something which required no code changes as the code is already delivered. We only had database with us to play. Basically our problem was, we needed the first record from the set of two records based on a values in VARCHAR field. That means, we needed to apply some ordering to the records based on the values. But, ORDER BY only supports Alphabetic ordering on the values. But, that's what we generally know. Because we wanted to order the records in the manner we specify, we had to look for some solution. And we did find an interesting stuff at that allows us to s...

The Newage "Love"

Love trascends all boundaries... And people are really transcending in love... What can I say... Its everywhere. Gone are the days when families decide the life partner for their children. Today, the families accept the choices of their children. Sometimes its fruitful for everyone, sometimes its otherwise. Sometimes family decisions over-power love, sometimes love threatens families. Yes, I have been listening to the stories of all kind... Real one's though. The recent visit of Sweety here clearly gives this indication. There was time when the girls have nothing to say when it came to their marriages. They even don't get to see their partner's pic as well till the first night of their marriage ("Suhaag Raat"). Today, so much is different. Forget about the picture, both of them already know each other so very well.. in and out. Some time back, guys used to travel to meet their sweethearts; today, girls are not holding back in any sense. In fact, they are travellin...

Humans v1.1 Patched
