
Showing posts from December, 2009

Reinstaling Grub for Dual Boot After Reinstallation of Windows

Finally back to technical stuff. Dual boot is very common these days with people having Linux and windows both at the same time unleashing the power of both the OS at the same time. If something goes wrong with Linux, then its pretty straight forward. Re-installation does the work automatically. But when the windows goes wrong, then is something problematic. So, how to preserve the linux when windows is re-installed? To know how to do this, you need to first understand whats happening with your system during the whole process. When Linux is installed as a dual boot on windows, some boot loader is installed to support both the operating systems. So, the Master Boot Record(MBR) is re-written to point to the linux boot loader(LILO or GRUB) when the Linux is installed on top of windows. Windows is booted as chainloading process. Now, when you re-install the windows, the MBR is written by windows to directly boot the windows. So, despite that you have all the settings preserved for linux bo...

How a programmer reads a resume...

This is just wonderful... I would have done the same.....hehehehhehehe

कह दो दोस्तों ये दोबारा कब होगा ???

राह देखी थी इस दिन की कबसे, आगे से सपने सजा रखे थे नाजाने कब से। बड़े उतावले थे यहाँ से जाने को, ज़िन्दगी का अगला पड़ाव पाने को... पर न जाने क्यों...दिल में आज कुछ और आता है, वक़्त को रोकने का जी चाहता है। जिन बातों को लेकर रोते थे आज उन पर हंसी आती है, न जाने क्यों आज उन पलों की याद बहुत आती है, कहा करते थे...बड़ी मुश्किल से तीन साल सह गए, पर आज क्यों लगता है की कुछ पीछे रह गया। न भूलने वाली कुछ यादें रह गयी, यादें जो अब जीने का सहारा बन गयी। मेरी टांग अब कौन खींचा करेगा, सिर्फ मेरा सर खाने कौन मेरा पीछा करेगा। जहाँ २००० का हिसाब नहीं वहां २ रूपए के लिए कौन लडेगा, कौन रात भर साथ जग कर पढ़ेगा, कौन मेरी चीजें मुझसे पूछे बिना लेजाएगा, कौन मेरी नए नए नाम बनाएगा, मैं अब बिना मतलब किस से लडूंगी, बिना topic के किससे फालतू बात करूंगी। कौन fail होने पर दिलासा देगा, कौन गलती से number आने पर गालियाँ सुनाएगा... टपरी में चाय किस के साथ पीयूंगी, वो हसीं पल अब किस के साथ जियूंगी, ऐसे दोस्त कहाँ मिलेंगे जो खाई में भी धक्का दे आयें, पर फिर तुम्हे बचाने खुद भी कूद जायें। मेरे गानों से परेशान कौन होगा, क...

Living Life King Size...

Well what shall I say. Its been a very busy time these days. I hardly remember last time when I went out with my friends for lunch or dinner. But I am liking the new job stuff. With GD and Jabal next to me, I am really enjoying it. The training is tough. I must say. Not able to get time even to think at times. I dont exactly remember what we ate in the lunch yesterday. That much busy things are. And trying to concentrate in training is at times pretty difficult. At those times, a small cup of tea round about, talking and discussing that specific piece of code that didn't work out or discussing on some concept that was as fresh as the tea that we were holding in our hands. It could have not been better anywhere. I always knew Java is not my coffee, but I am liking it. Not because I have to as I would be working on it, but because it proved itself better for a piece of code that took around 1 hour and 51 minutes for python to execute. May be I didn't write the python code efficie...