
Showing posts from July, 2013

Lost a Friend

This poem here has a lot of resemblance in my life and I feel the poetess went through exactly the same, as I just went recently. Signing off with the friend with it. I guess I too should move on. What ever happened to the good old days When we used to be the best of friends? We would have fun and hang out. But it’s true what they say, All good things must come to an end. I was always there for you, And you were always there for me. We shared secrets and told each other everything. But now all that is left are the memories. I don’t understand why we lost contact, I don’t understand why it’s been over a year since we hung out. Don’t make the excuse we’re always too busy And that our schedules don’t work out. I feel left out! I feel like my best friend died. Was it really because of busy schedules or was it over a guy? I know people change and drift apart, But if something is important enough a person will do anything to work it out. So apparently you’ve moved...


Shackles, I feel shackled by laws, rules, fear. These shackles restrain my actions, I am told its for the best, they prevent me from doing wrong, and keep me from wandering astray. Shackles protect me from danger, as I am not the only one chained, others are bound by shackles, their reach to me constricted. I dare not break these shackles as some bound are vicious beast, however others are gentle creatures, who's kindness the shackles hide. Their kindness I cannot see, they are locked away by shackles, and I realize, so am I. Chained by these shackles for ages I grow weak, locked away in this cellar I become naive, I cannot face beast that have broken, and I shun the kindness from the others. I feel uncomfortable with these shackles, I realize they are so tight they hurt, the chains spiral around, entrapping me. With these shackles I am stuck, drowning in an ocean of cowardice, I suffocate from fear, I feel I can't do anything, I decide, no more, no more shackles, I wish to br...