Logging messages to Javascript console
If you have had experience of web development and have hands on javascript coding, you will know how difficult it becomes at times when you have to debug javascript code. And it gets worse when you have multiple browsers rendering the javascript in their own ways. I could remember debugging the javascript code manually by putting those crappy and irritating alert() messages in the code to know how the code is being executed to root cause the issue. And if you know what I am talking about, you will know what I am talking about. But browsers have evolved a lot is the last five years and so as the tools for web development. When I first started using the Web Developer addon , it was like I had waited for it since ages for it. And I still feel there is no match for it. Even though the javascript console was available in Firefox, with usage of Web Developer, it was more accessible than ever. Okay. Too much theory. Lets get to point. You need to debug javascript pages and get rid of those al...