
Showing posts from August, 2010

Irony of My Life

I start my day by sitting on a chair Giving my monitor a hard, cold stare, By evening I'm done with another coding, Oh! This has become a routine so boring. Like all, I entered this field with great hope, Jobs were many and there was plenty of scope, Dreams of joining the likes of Gates, And a chance to make money in the States. Thus, I entered the world of bytes, Only to realize that reality bytes, 'Coz a programmer's life, isn't all that cozy, The bed of software isn't all that rosy. Seeing the monitor all day n night, Have taken the power off my eyesight, Late to bed n late to rise, Had made me wealthy, but not healthy n wise. Had made me neither wealthy, healthy or wise. Working holidays, busy weekends, No time for family, no time for friends, My job steals most of my time, Helplessly, I watch this crime. Just for few bits of money, I forego those moments with my Honey, When I should be out - having fun, I'm telling my comp, what's to be done. I hate u, ...

Twitter's secret

If you think this is going to be the some secret way to connect to Twitter, then you are wrong. This is about the how twitter got huge attention of the developers and bloggers. The softwares have become more than means to earn. They have incorporated into our lives so much that at times we cannot imagine any life without them. There would be hardly anyone in the industry who does not know Google. Why Google. Take twitter. Who is not on it. Even Sachin Tendulkar finally came to it. With twitter, our links with the virtual world have got even stronger. So, what the success stratergy behind the Twitter's success. Initially when I heard about twitter and tweeting, I thought - What sort of application is that. Just scribbling some 140 characters to let friends know whats happening in someone's life. But we know what capabilities it has. The stratergy for Twitter's success is letting the user decide the interface what suits him/her. They focussed more on the core of the system. T...

Javascript - parseInt bug

Working in javascript on the my project, I found an interesting thing which I would like to share with you all. parseInt() method in javascript is used to parse a string text into integer. For example to convert String “8” as integer 8 for processing, you will use it as follows: var parsedValue = parseInt(“8”); You can find more details about the parseInt() method on W3C Schools. However, there is an interesting bug with parseInt(). When you try to parseInt("08") or parseInt("09"), it returns 0. This is because the leading zero tells the parseInt() method that it is an octal number and 08 is not a valid octal value. Hence the parsing returns 0 as output. So, you might get this scenario when you trying to parse date values or month values containing leading zeros. Workaround: - Use the alternate form of parseInt(value, radix). This form forces the parsing of the string value as per your radix value. 10 indicate for de...

Help for Java newbies

I still remember the night when me and the knight were working on our Java project - hamraDownloader. What night that was... One system, two heads, javadoc and i guess 3-4 java ebooks, project aim, and most of them all, time constraint of submitting it on the next day... It was all setup for the perfect night out... And it really went crazier when we were roaming with a glass of tea up and down in the whole building... Truely miss those times... Anyways, that day one thing we realized that for newbies of our level, you will surely get the classes you need for your purpose. But those will be the abstract ones. That is you don't know how to create the instance for them. And that is where I felt that javadoc provided no help. Its a very huge documentation, but very less examples. And if you don't have a internet, your night is going to be the one like ours... memorable. Anyways, so just as Getting Real said, scratching your own itch is an important thing. It is a pain area for n...

A poem on time

हर ख़ुशी है लोगों के दामन में पर एक हंसी के लिए वक़्त नहीं दिन रात दौड़ती दुनिया में ज़िन्दगी के लिए ही वक़्त नहीं माँ की लोरी का एहसास तो है पर माँ को माँ कहने का वक़्त नहीं सारे रिश्तों को तो हम मार चुके हैं पर अब उन्हें दफ़नाने का वक़्त नहीं सारे नाम मोबाइल में हैं पर दोस्ती के लिए वक़्त नहीं गैरों की क्या बात करें जब अपनों के लिए ही वक़्त नहीं आँखों में है नींद बड़ी पर सोने का भी वक़्त नहीं दिल है ग़मों से भरा पर रोने का भी वक़्त नहीं पैसों की दौड़ में ऐसे दौड़े की थकने का भी वक़्त नहीं पराये एहसास की क्या कद्र करें जब अपने सपनो के लिए ही वक़्त नहीं तू ही बता ऐ ज़िन्दगी इस ज़िन्दगी का क्या होगा की हर पल मरने वालों को जीने के लिए भी वक़्त नहीं -- Unknown